Green Schools Programme
Green Schools, known internationally as Eco-Schools, is an international environmental education programme, environmental management system and award scheme that promotes and acknowledges long-term, whole school action for the environment. Unlike a one-off project, it is a long-term programme that introduces participants (students, teachers, parents and the wider community) to the concept of an environmental management system. However, Green-Schools is far more than just an environmental management system. It fosters a strong sense of citizenship and leadership among participants that spreads far outside the school into the wider community. It also promotes a strong sense of teamwork among teachers, students and the wider community to reach a common high-level goal. It flattens and democratises school management structures. It brings children into the decision-making process and makes them responsible for their decision and actions. In fact, it could be best described as being ‘more than the sum of its parts’.
The aim of Green-Schools is to increase students’ and participant awareness of environmental issues through classroom studies and to transfer this knowledge into positive environmental action in the school and also in the wider community. Schools that have successfully completed all the elements of the programme are awarded the ‘Green-Flag’. This award has now become a well-recognised Eco-Label. The award has to be renewed every two years.
Green-Schools (Eco-Schools) is an initiative of, and co-ordinated on an international level by, FEE (Foundation for Environmental Education). There are currently over 21,000 schools in 39 countries in Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania and South America taking part in the programme. ( www.greenschoolsireland.org)
Our Green School Blog
School Garden
On May 31st we had the official opening of our school garden, this was a lovely day and we welcomed lots of parents and members of the wider community. The children will harvest some of their produce next week and we will have a few cookery lessons. We thank everyone...
Green School Codes

Recycling Code
Scoil Mhuire is clean,
Scoil Mhuire is green,
It is a recycling machine.

Water Saving Code
Water is cool,
Water is good
So turn off your taps,
And don’t let them run
In the end, we’ll all have NONE!

Energy Code
Energy is used every day,
In work, school and in play,
So don’t let energy fade away,
Save it for a rainy day!

Travel Code
There are many ways to get to school,
Cycle, walk or carpool.
Travel, travel is lots of fun,
Cycle if there is a sun.
Travel, travel wear bright clothes.
Wear them now from head to toes.
How We Achieved our Green Flag

We worked towards achieving our fifth green flag and the theme for this project was Biodiversity. The Green Schools committee were very busy preparing for the assessment.
Biodiversity is another word for nature and the variety of living things on earth including people, animal and birds. Biodiversity keeps us alive. It is vital we conserve it. All classes worked on art projects in relation to Biodiversity.
Topics covered:
- Birds
- Nature Trails
- Beach and Sea
- Hedges
- Trees
Ms. O’ Neill: Mosaic work on butterfly garden
Ms. Kavanah: Wild Flowers
Ms. Kehoe: Insect Hotels
Ms. Lyons/ Ms. Cooney: Bird Mobil
Ms. Moroney: Life Cycle Mural
Mrs. Murphy: Signage for Nature trail
Science defines Energy as the ability to do work.The development of a fully sustainable society will be highly dependent on how we source and use our energy. It is important that maximum value is obtained from the energy resources that we currently have and will have in the future. the aim in the long term should also be to move towards the use of renewable energy resources and limit dependence on fossil fuels.
Some more useful websites: